First-Year College

Ethically Speaking | First-Year College Students
9 May

First-Year College

My Advice to First-Year College Students

For any student who is entering the first year of college, I would give the following advice.

If possible, purchase your own computer. You always want to have access to and ownership of your own work.

When you enter the gates of academia, come in with a sense of purpose, knowing who you are, and what your purpose is in the world.

If you don’t know your purpose yet in college, try many things until you identify what suits you the most. You should always try your best to acquire all the knowledge you can from every professor who teaches you. They will be the ones to help lead you in the right direction. As a student, never try to rush the process of learning, absorb the information you acquire, and make it applicable to your life.

In every stage of your development, make learning your top priority.

You must stay focused, focused, focused on the tasks ahead.

Don’t waste time because time is going to be your greatest commodity.

Know that you are more equipped than you think for the many tasks ahead. So, push yourself to the maximum to reach your greatest potential!

What advice do you have to share with first year college students?

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